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Colegio Internacional de Carabobo (1993-2007)

Rollins College (2011)

Honors BA: Economics & French

Millsaps College (2014)

Master of Business Administration

Middlebury College (2016)

Master of Arts in French Studies


Lakeside School (2022-Now)

Seattle, Washington

Middle School French Teacher

6th Grade Dean of Students

Singapore American School (2015-22)


MS Spanish/French Teacher & Coach

Interim Director of Languages (PreK-12)

St. Andrew's Episcopal School (2011-14)

Jackson, Mississippi

ES & MS Social Studies Teacher

ES Spanish Teacher

publications & media

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[Upcoming in 2023] The International Handbook of French Education

Abstract: To commemorate the 70th anniversary of Frantz Fanon's work, “Black Skin, White Masks”, the proposed chapter seeks to revive Fanon's thesis in the form of a response to the letter titled “Black Skin, White Language: An Open Letter to My Dear Friends” authored by Dr. Darnell Fine. The answer is situated in the teaching of the French language in the context of international schools and examines how these schools ‘assume a culture’ and ‘support the weight of an entire civilization’ to use Fanon’s words. Through the use of language, of either English or French, that these schools continue to serve as instruments of linguistic colonization. To cite Audre Lorde, “the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house,” so it is my desire to propose in this chapter an exploration of curricular tools to evaluate the content and how the content is presented to learners in a language classroom. Finally, it is this author's desire to promote the works of Fanon, theorist of decolonization, to mark how 70 years after his publication, “Black Skin, White Masks” his thesis is still highly relevant.

Featured in The International Educator: "Black Skin, White Language: An Open Response to My Dear Friends" (2023)

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interests & affiliations

As an educator, I have grown the most via Strengths Based, the Intercultural Development Inventory, and Cognitive Coaching Training and have found lasting impact in my relationships with students and colleagues. I'm always looking to grow and learn, here is a sample of my latest interests and affiliations.

In my learning, unlearning and practice, I continue to approach language education with a decolonial lens, informed by the research and experience of antiracist practitioners. Ultimately, it's so I can be

my best version in front of our students at school.

  • Member since 2015
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
  • Workshop Facilitator


and Trainings

English, Spanish, and

French Since 2017

Spanish & French Rater

Previous Spanish Rater

Association for International Educators and Leaders of Color

Board of Directors

Board of Directors, Seattle Out & Proud

educational philosophy

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As a lifelong learner, I constantly reevaluate my assumptions to make room for learning. What is constant and unwavering is my commitment to never stop questioning and challenging traditionally held notions around equitable languaging classroom practices.

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My coaching is informed by trainings in Strengths-Based Coaching, Cognitive Coaching and as a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Continuum.

Past workshop topics:

Past & future presentations

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Over the years I have had multiple opportunities to share my passion for language education and facilitate workshops in Spanish, French and English. While this list is not exhaustive, I've put together the most recent engagements.

  • AI in the World Language Classroom
  • Nurturing an Intercultural Mindset / Implementing Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
  • Centering BIPOC & Queer Voices in our Learners' Experience
  • Advocacy as an Act of Presentational Communication
  • Developing & Assessing the Three Modes of Communication
  • Decolonizing and Indigenizing the World Language Classroom
  • 70 years of Frantz Fanon Black Skin, White Language
  • Guiding Learners to Higher Levels of Proficiency

Schools and Teams:

  • Korea International School
  • Albemarle Public Schools
  • International School Services
  • Oberoi International School
  • Pacific Northwest Council for Languages
  • American Indian Higher Education Consortium

Past conferences



"First, I would like to thank you for organizing the reading circle during the DDFC conference which gave all of us an opportunity to share our thoughts on the subjects of linguistic shame, linguistic racism, the place of our linguistic repertoires in the language classroom, etc. Secondly, I would like to thank you for acknowledging our contributions to the rich discussions and including them in your open letter to Darnell, Ceci and Ying.."


"Omar led a thought provoking session about language supremacy that carved out much needed space for discussion with colleagues (both in and across departments). What a heartening way to start the day, and I'm made braver knowing I walk Lakeside's hallways with colleagues who I can share and discuss these political topics with."

"hank you for doing such a fantastic job on this-it was the highlight of my conference. Also, thanks for going out of your way to share these materials... I am very, very grateful for your generosity. You are very welcome to join my team to share all of this."

"I have started including the 2 Indian languages I use in my language repertoire now. Thank you for using that example Omar ❤️."

"During class there is a nice balance between having fun and learning. Mr. Rachid is very supportive and tries to help us a lot. He always has fun learning games and jokes for us."

"His classes every day include something new, something interesting, and a way to let us have fun. With games every day it keeps us active and interested in the class. Not only that but we can all connect to him with what we do and it feels like we are a part of a community."

Let's connect!

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Omar Rachid Zaim is a trailblazing educator, coach, and leader deeply grounded in inclusivity and multiculturalism. Currently a middle school French teacher and 6th Grade Dean of Students at Lakeside School in Seattle, Washington, Omar has taught in various schools around the world for the past 13 years alongside taking on leadership roles in the educator space globally.

Born in Venezuela, Omar grew up in a multicultural Moroccan and Syrian household, then completed his education in the United States and France. Omar always seeks to integrate intercultural communication into language programs and actively facilitates learning opportunities for educators. His works leading educators include organizing Spanish and French language teacher conferences in Singapore, hosting a workshop for ACTFL, being a qualified administrator for the Intercultural Development Continuum, and being a Treasurer of the Association of French Teachers in Singapore.

On top of being a leading educator for his students and teachers, Omar uplifts queer and minoritized voices in his work. With experience leading the DEI team at his previous schools and leading the NAIS Assessment on Inclusivity and Multiculturalism, Omar centers Queer & BIPOC experiences in the world language classrooms through a decolonial lens and currently serves on the Seattle Pride and Washington Association for Language Teaching Board of Directors.